Main Sewer Line Repairs

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545 Total Reviews /files/dye-logo-250-130.jpg219-362-6251$1600 Lake Street, LaPorte IN

Main Sewer Line Repairs Laporte, Indiana

In Laporte, IN, your sewer line is the drain piping system that connects your house main drain with the Laporte, IN sewer system or your private septic tank. When installed, your main drain was watertight and the joints are impenetrable. Due to the way the pipe sections are joined or earth movements (earthquakes and earth settling) the joints can be compromised and roots from trees and bushes can find a way into the sewer system. Over time these roots or pipe movements can prevent proper water flow and your sewer backs up.

Dye Plumbing & Heating offers drain cleaning and sewer pipe replacement services. We can cut the roots that are growing in the pipes to allow the water to flow freely again. However, just like pruning a bush, the roots will grow back, often in greater size, strength and number than before. In Laporte, IN, there are several options to consider for this problem. We can simply cable the drain, treat the sewer line chemically with a product, which retards root growth, or replace the broken pipes.

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Dye Plumbing & Heating Main Sewer Line Repairs Laporte, Indiana

Recent Main Sewer Line Repairs Laporte, Indiana by Dye Plumbing & Heating

Main Sewer Line Repairs Laporte, Indiana
Hand Excavate As Needed To Expose And Repair Underground Sewer Line. Provide And Install A Maximum Of 6 Feet Of New PVC Sewer Piping, With A New Outdoor Clean-out Access. Back-Fill Area With Existing Soil.
LaPorte, IN

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