545 Total Reviews/files/dye-logo-250-130.jpg219-362-6251$1600 Lake Street, LaPorte IN
Gas Tankless Hot Water Heaters La Porte, Indiana
Tankless hot water heaters from Dye Plumbing & Heating have become very popular in La Porte, IN. Unlike conventional water tanks that make and store hot water 24 hours per day, tankless water heaters produce hot water as you are using it and shut down when you are done. A typical homeowner or business in La Porte, IN can expect substantial energy savings. In addition, gas tankless units never run out of hot water so they are extremely convenient. Enjoy high efficiency, energy savings and endless hot water with a tankless system.
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Dye Plumbing & Heating Gas Tankless Hot Water Heaters La Porte, Indiana
Recent Gas Tankless Hot Water Heaters La Porte, Indiana by Dye Plumbing & Heating
5 Star Rating Gas Tankless Hot Water Heaters La Porte, Indiana Remove And Dispose Of Existing Water Heater.
Provide And Install One New Navien Model NPE 180S ; Serial Number 7419J2082571098 On Demand Condensing Water Heater With A 97% Efficiency Rating. The New Water Heater Shall Be Installed On The Wall Between Two Existing Furnaces.
Provide And Install By-pass Service Valves For Future Maintenance Per The Manufacturer's Recommendation.
Provide And Install New 2 Inch PVC Venting To Exit The Sidewall Of The Home.
Provide And Install New Water Supply And Gas Supply Lines As Needed To Connect To The Nearest Existing Lines.
Test Installations
La Porte, IN 11-27-2020
5 Star Rating Gas Tankless Hot Water Heaters La Porte, Indiana Technician Invoice Notes: Upon Arrival Installed New Navien Tankless Water Heater Per Estimate. La Porte, IN 11-16-2020